Otoha Hayashi-Hunt

Global Operations Manager


中高時代はニュージーランドの寄宿学校、大学はイギリスのOxford Brookes University卒業 (人類学理学士号取得)。
自身の音楽経験は寄宿学校時代に習っていたピアノ (Trinity 6級)、バイオリン (ABRSM 5級)を始め、音楽の選択授業時や聖歌隊など。

Born and raised in Tokyo, and attended a boarding school in New Zealand throughout her secondary education. 
Otoha then continued her study at Oxford Brookes University in the UK (BSc Anthropology).
Using her work experiences from the UK and Japan, Otoha has joined Rhapsodie as the Global Operations Manager.
Her musical background is mostly from the school years such as Piano (Trinity Grade 6), Violin (ABRSM Grade 5), NZQA Music Level 1~3 and the school’s Chapel Choir etc.
Recently started to practise piano again, in the hope of sounding better at karaoke.